
Make It Make Sense Book Launch

Bookety Book Books

-A note from Bel & Luce:

Um we are so goddamn excited to be launching our first!! ever!! book!! and to be doing it alongside the cutest bookshop in the country, Bookety Book Books. We couldn’t think of a better way to send this thing out into the world than with a bunch of our favourite worn-out women (or worn-out people), having a shandy or a spritz, and spending the afternoon trying to make sense of all our burning questions about the world, ourselves, whether we hate our jobs or just need a bit of sleep, and whether good love is really coming for us or if we’ll be stuck in situationships until we die.

Think an afternoon of love, grief, girlhood, friendship, but mostly, a whole lot of fucking fun and phoenixing <3 

Can’t wait to see your cute face!!

Luce & Bel xxxxxx

Sunday 15th of September


QT Rooftop Bar, Auckland

RSVP's are a must  - please RSVP here and do not add this item to cart

Make It Make Sense Book Launch